Sarajea: (328) Sunshine and Dust
Sarajea: (328) flowers
Sarajea: (328) the Barn
Sarajea: (254) Stress
Sarajea: (212) Stress Ball Revolution
Sarajea: (157) It's that time of year
Sarajea: (152) Yup, still sick.
Sarajea: (138) SmartWool!
Sarajea: (93) Feeling blue
Sarajea: (83) CAUTION
Sarajea: (52) Yes, I can help you
Sarajea: (41) Sunny liquid dreams
Sarajea: Day 10
Sarajea: Little Miss Something
Sarajea: More yellow snow
Sarajea: (15) caught in a time capsule fifteen years old
Sarajea: (20) the smell of old paper
Sarajea: (30) Another rainbow mug
Sarajea: ONION!
Sarajea: Taking a break
Sarajea: A new apartment