Sarajea: I shop therefore I am SOUL LESS :(
Sarajea: Don't forget you are loved
Sarajea: Heartmouse
Sarajea: (73) An empty kind of beauty
Sarajea: (82) heal
Sarajea: (85) Almost uncanny
Sarajea: (91) I am loved
Sarajea: (99) If by "happiness" you mean "Chinese food," then yes.
Sarajea: (100) On glasses and paradigm shifts
Sarajea: (114) hearts can be well-hidden
Sarajea: (120) j'adore
Sarajea: (128) touch me
Sarajea: (133) Toes are good for wiggling
Sarajea: (147) Grounded
Sarajea: (169) A brightness
Sarajea: (169) Burnt Out
Sarajea: (170) These twisted lines come easy...
Sarajea: (176) Untwisted
Sarajea: (178) Because you ought to know
Sarajea: (181) Something, I think you'll understand
Sarajea: (185) Chiaroscuro
Sarajea: (206) LOVE IS RADICAL
Sarajea: (208) Seek beauty...
Sarajea: (209) Valerie's letter
Sarajea: (210) Open heart, open hands.
Sarajea: (211) I love easily.
Sarajea: (217)
Sarajea: (243) Mommy, can I keep him?
Sarajea: (254) Another moment
Sarajea: (310) My starry night