cerambycidae: ready to ride
cerambycidae: heading to SF to begin touring
cerambycidae: Day 1, San Rafael
cerambycidae: Lion Dancers in China Camp
cerambycidae: Marin Lion Dancers
cerambycidae: Day 1, China Camp
cerambycidae: wild turkeys grazing near our campground
cerambycidae: we made it up the crazy hill!
cerambycidae: Dan shows Ming where we're headed
cerambycidae: Peggy Jane, Ming, and Meiting
cerambycidae: West County Trail, Sebastopol
cerambycidae: taking a rest on the bridge
cerambycidae: on the coast
cerambycidae: Duncan's Point (?)
cerambycidae: Highway 1
cerambycidae: farmhouse on Highway 1
cerambycidae: Dan & farmhouse
cerambycidae: near Point Reyes
cerambycidae: The fabulous Cross Marin Trail
cerambycidae: Cross Marin Trail
cerambycidae: Dan on the Cross Marin Trail
cerambycidae: almost home
cerambycidae: on the Larkspur to SF ferry