cerambycidae: March 2004
cerambycidae: January 2005
cerambycidae: March 2005
cerambycidae: March 2005
cerambycidae: Oprah and Dan
cerambycidae: brushing
cerambycidae: canna, Oprah, dahlia buds and raspberries
cerambycidae: shadow
cerambycidae: shiny cat
cerambycidae: off to the vet
cerambycidae: sleepers
cerambycidae: kitty close-up
cerambycidae: too many cat pictures
cerambycidae: stitch and bitch
cerambycidae: Oprah tries to help
cerambycidae: floppy cat
cerambycidae: sun fluff
cerambycidae: morning sun
cerambycidae: leisure
cerambycidae: where the money goes