cerambycidae: jD and Logan and an empty truck
cerambycidae: the designer enjoys his shade
cerambycidae: Dan's new tensegrity
cerambycidae: popsicle sticks
cerambycidae: Dan wraps up his tensegrity
cerambycidae: Reno, NV
cerambycidae: packed up
cerambycidae: Pneumatic Diner
cerambycidae: road and sand dune
cerambycidae: desert
cerambycidae: playa in the distance
cerambycidae: Dan looks for our camp
cerambycidae: some tracks were muddy
cerambycidae: the lovely afternoon sky
cerambycidae: Logan's graywater experiment
cerambycidae: Logan's graywater system
cerambycidae: Logan and jD
cerambycidae: wood, rope, and Logan's graywater system
cerambycidae: not much flight out of this $1 item
cerambycidae: trying to get the kite up
cerambycidae: jD and the Horgamaphone
cerambycidae: Dan in Trego
cerambycidae: Trego Hot Spring
cerambycidae: Clouds, the hot spring, some heads
cerambycidae: edge of the playa