Cepeda: Sª. Estrela 21/1 16:28
Cepeda: Sª. Estrela 22/1 10:48
Cepeda: Sª. Estrela 22/1 11:21
Cepeda: I'm out...
Cepeda: "Barrel distortion"
Cepeda: Flying (for a second)
Cepeda: Higher than a helicopter
Cepeda: In and out, in and out, in and out...
Cepeda: My favorite landscape, the mountains.
Cepeda: Laguna de Majalaescoba
Cepeda: Almost on Top @ Peña Ubiña
Cepeda: Going down @ Peña Ubiña
Cepeda: That's me...
Cepeda: Climbing
Cepeda: Caving
Cepeda: "My" underground
Cepeda: Spring
Cepeda: Vall de Núria
Cepeda: Snow & Ice
Cepeda: Trekking at Peñalara