CenturyOFakers: the new arrival... 1969 VW Squareback
CenturyOFakers: hood storage
CenturyOFakers: kev welding the exhaust
CenturyOFakers: action welding picture
CenturyOFakers: the engine
CenturyOFakers: a secret signal?
CenturyOFakers: red falcon and beige hornet
CenturyOFakers: owners manuals
CenturyOFakers: kev reviewing paperwork
CenturyOFakers: marcie and foo
CenturyOFakers: dog is my copilot
CenturyOFakers: kevin comfortable in the the back
CenturyOFakers: automatic...
CenturyOFakers: gear selector
CenturyOFakers: dash view
CenturyOFakers: steering wheel and gauges
CenturyOFakers: am radio
CenturyOFakers: squareback jacked up
CenturyOFakers: kevin replacing fuel line and filter
CenturyOFakers: kev painting wheels
CenturyOFakers: kev in car
CenturyOFakers: oil changing scene
CenturyOFakers: marcie changing oil
CenturyOFakers: vw repair/maintenance
CenturyOFakers: kev checking the timing
CenturyOFakers: she's buffed! she's primped!
CenturyOFakers: check out the new wheels!
CenturyOFakers: the side panels buffed out really nice...