centurion 4 God: Mr Brown
centurion 4 God: Marsh Hawk?
centurion 4 God: His arch nemesis
centurion 4 God: Fourth day with the new camera, second blue heron
centurion 4 God: herons close up
centurion 4 God: great blue heron by the pond
centurion 4 God: Mr Curious
centurion 4 God: Here come the troops
centurion 4 God: My one legged friend
centurion 4 God: The odd bird out?
centurion 4 God: The ugly duckling
centurion 4 God: Another Blue Jay watching me closely
centurion 4 God: A Cardinal moving in for some food
centurion 4 God: Noisy jay
centurion 4 God: Here is the ugly ducklings brother
centurion 4 God: Photogenic Nuthatcher
centurion 4 God: Chickadee on the move
centurion 4 God: Majestic
centurion 4 God: ACTION!!!
centurion 4 God: He's bold, he's proud and he is loud
centurion 4 God: Are you my mother? Bufflehead duck
centurion 4 God: Swan Duet
centurion 4 God: Ready for my big close-up
centurion 4 God: White Hybrid Duck
centurion 4 God: Battle of the song birds
centurion 4 God: New birds in the neighbourhood
centurion 4 God: Two geese in flight
centurion 4 God: Swan's morning meal