centurion 4 God: The odd bird out?
centurion 4 God: The ugly duckling
centurion 4 God: Photogenic Nuthatcher
centurion 4 God: Chickadee on the move
centurion 4 God: Noisy jay
centurion 4 God: great blue heron by the pond
centurion 4 God: Fourth day with the new camera, second blue heron
centurion 4 God: This shot worked out well
centurion 4 God: Amazing sun rise
centurion 4 God: He's bold, he's proud and he is loud
centurion 4 God: ACTION!!!
centurion 4 God: Hey Buddy look over there....
centurion 4 God: This morning dove was walking behind me.
centurion 4 God: Milk Weed Plant Silhouette
centurion 4 God: Thorns by Sunrise
centurion 4 God: Feather ready to be blown free
centurion 4 God: Passing the torch to a new generation
centurion 4 God: Swan Dive
centurion 4 God: Eternal Sunrise
centurion 4 God: Sun over lake
centurion 4 God: Swan Duet
centurion 4 God: Majestic
centurion 4 God: Battle of the song birds
centurion 4 God: Hooded Meganzer
centurion 4 God: A small Chickadee
centurion 4 God: Swan's morning meal
centurion 4 God: Common Goldeneye close-up
centurion 4 God: New birds in the neighbourhood
centurion 4 God: Plenty to choose from...
centurion 4 God: Rocky landing