Cea.: Mirrros of Antiquity: Divider
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Maat or Mayet, the Goddess of Truth in Ancient Egypt (fresco from the tomb of the Pharao Sethos I, c.19th Dynasty)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] The Goddes Hathor and Pharao Sethos I
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Hieroglyphic Alphabet of Ancient Egypt [Ankh]
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Back of a chair from the tomb of Tutankhamun (c. 1370-52 BC)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Varna Necropolis (c. 4 500 BCE)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Female figurine with libation tray (?) (Tanagra, Greece, c 360s BCE)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Sea Monster (Melusine?) (c.200 CE)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Greek Vases (c. 350) [N/A]
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Mosaic with Dionysos and Panther, Delos
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Nike, Goddess of Victory, holding a shell (?) (Middle Asia, c. 200 BCE)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Folden plaque with female (goddes) figure holding a mirror (?) (Cyprus, c. 1050-950 BCE)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Figurine of Lar (Lares Familiares), Roman deity guardian of the household (c.200 CE)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Seated god (?) holding a mirror (??) (c. 1500 BCE, Megiddo, Israel)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Bronze mirror on a stand in form of Aphrodite, Goddes of Love (Greece, c. 500 BCE)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Bronze mirror on a stand in form of Aphrodite, Goddes of Love (Greece, c. 500 BCE) - detail
Cea.: Mirrors Medieval: Divider
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Ambrogio Lorenzetti - The Allegory of Good Government (detail) (c.1338)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Ambrogio Lorenzetti - The Allegory of Bad Government
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Ambrogio Lorenzetti - The Allegory of Good Government (detail showing Prudence with a mirror) (c.1338)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Carlo Crivelli - The Annunciation (1482)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Jan van Eyck - Portrait of Giovanni Arnolfini and his wife, or The Arnolfini (Double) Portrait (c.1434)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Jan van Eyck – Portrait of Arnolfini Couple (1434)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Jan van Eyck – Portrait of Arnolfini Couple (1434)
Cea.: Postcard [verso]
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Jan & Hubert van Eyck – The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (Ghent Altarpiece) (c. 1432) - detail (God the Father)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Jan & Hubert van Eyck – The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (Ghent Altarpiece) (c. 1432) - detail (God the Son)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Jan & Hubert van Eyck – The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (Ghent Altarpiece) (c. 1432) - detail (Archangel)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Jan & Hubert van Eyck – The Adoration of the Mystic Lamb (Ghent Altarpiece) (c. 1432) - detail (Dame)
Cea.: Postcard [verso] Petrus Christus - Sint Eligius in zijn pothuis {St.Elegius in his workshop} (c.1449)