The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Instuctor Sam Abell and students reviewing student work
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Instuctor Sam Abell and students reviewing student work
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Instuctor Sam Abell and students reviewing student work
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Instuctor Sam Abell and students reviewing student work
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Instuctor Sam Abell and students reviewing student work
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Instuctor Sam Abell and students reviewing student work
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Instructor Sam Abell and students
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Instuctor Sam Abell and students reviewing student work
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Instructor Sam Abell and students going over student photographs
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Sam Abell explaning a photograph during his talk at the Center for Photography
The Center for Photography at Woodstock: Sam Abell giving his talk at the Center for Phtoography