Center for Neighborhood Technology: CNT tours Cleveland's HealthLine, a Bus Rapid Transit route along Euclid Corridor
Center for Neighborhood Technology: Commuters pour out of Terminal Tower and onto Public Square in Cleveland
Center for Neighborhood Technology: CNT visited Cleveland's Western Market, a transit-accessible public market in Ohio City
Center for Neighborhood Technology: Columbus stakeholders met on November 17 to discuss strategic transit and housing investments in their region
Center for Neighborhood Technology: City of Columbus Planning Administrator Vince Papsidero reacts to the stakeholder discussion
Center for Neighborhood Technology: Columbus' High Street cap restores connectivity
Center for Neighborhood Technology: CNT toured the proposed High Street alignment in Columbus, with handsome brick homes along the way
Center for Neighborhood Technology: A Norfork Southern train leaves the Rickenbacker Intermodal Yard outside Columbus
Center for Neighborhood Technology: Marvin Hayes, Director of Urban Policy for Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, convenes stakeholders in Cincinnati
Center for Neighborhood Technology: CNT toured Over-the-Rhine in Cincinnati, where the density and variety of building stock give it a unique sense of place
Center for Neighborhood Technology: Cincinnati's urban fabric is largely intact in its inner core