caboose_rodeo: cat dog cat
caboose_rodeo: Nellie the Puppy
caboose_rodeo: Nellie September 2003
caboose_rodeo: Nellie the Christmas Poodle
caboose_rodeo: Rare photo of a poodlelope resting
caboose_rodeo: Nellie the Christmas Poodle
caboose_rodeo: Poodlelope decorated for Christmas
caboose_rodeo: Poodlelope giving me The Eye
caboose_rodeo: Poodlelopes once roamed these parts
caboose_rodeo: Nellie the Christmas Poodle
caboose_rodeo: We still miss you Nellie!
caboose_rodeo: Goodbye Nellie "I do NOT have a lid around my neck!"
caboose_rodeo: Nellie sits in the snow
caboose_rodeo: Poor Nellie