Celtic Emerald:
Ugly Mug 02
Celtic Emerald:
Red Coat on Bannister
Celtic Emerald:
D7000 test images 01
Celtic Emerald:
Celtic Emerald:
Celtic Emerald:
Flight Out of the Rays
Celtic Emerald:
Last Sight of the Sun
Celtic Emerald:
Sunset Landscape
Celtic Emerald:
Leaf Flames
Celtic Emerald:
Beehives Behind Grass
Celtic Emerald:
Pink Shot Eyes
Celtic Emerald:
Balloon Flower
Celtic Emerald:
Inflated Balloons
Celtic Emerald:
High 5
Celtic Emerald:
The Colour Purple
Celtic Emerald:
Self Portrait 02
Celtic Emerald:
Laser Design
Celtic Emerald:
Making Tracks
Celtic Emerald:
A Sandy Tractor Park
Celtic Emerald:
In Motion 01
Celtic Emerald:
Colour Spin
Celtic Emerald:
English Cowgirl
Celtic Emerald:
Right Eye
Celtic Emerald:
Mucky Ducks
Celtic Emerald:
Praying to the Moon
Celtic Emerald:
Front View of Angel Praying in B&W
Celtic Emerald:
Abandoned Rose
Celtic Emerald:
Collie Dog in Watercolour Effect
Celtic Emerald:
Shadow Walk
Celtic Emerald:
Yellow Iris 03