Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Ana Looks for Salmon
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Ready to Splash
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Eelgrass While Freediving
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016-Ana Under the Ledge
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Remains of a Cannery
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Remains of a Cannery
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Moon Jelly
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Common Kelp in the Kenai area
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Lion's Mane Jelly
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Milky Iceberg Water
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Me under the ledge of the iceberg.
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016 - Iceberg Underside
Celtic Cow: Alaska 2016, Kelp and Sun
Celtic Cow: Alaska, Kenai Fiords, small fish in the shallows.