Celtic Graphics:
Kate, Jane, and Chris at the car
Celtic Graphics:
Celtic Graphics:
Dancing at the Maypole
Celtic Graphics:
Fantastikal near the gate
Celtic Graphics:
Green Fantastikal
Celtic Graphics:
Green Fantastikal
Celtic Graphics:
Blue Fantastikal
Celtic Graphics:
Blue Fantastikal
Celtic Graphics:
Nobility greeting arrivals
Celtic Graphics:
Face Painting
Celtic Graphics:
Most elaborate bodyart
Celtic Graphics:
Ray Pena, Master Falconer
Celtic Graphics:
Returning from church
Celtic Graphics:
Carrying the cross
Celtic Graphics:
Kate, eldest daughter
Celtic Graphics:
Youngest daughter, Chris
Celtic Graphics:
Chris strikes a pose
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Ready to party
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Celtic Graphics:
MooNie the Magnificent working in the downpour
Celtic Graphics:
Just a bit further to cover
Celtic Graphics:
What rain?
Celtic Graphics:
The rain it raineth
Celtic Graphics:
Who minds a little rain
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Celtic Graphics:
Jock Stewart
Celtic Graphics:
The clan meets