Celtic Graphics:
Statue in the garden
Celtic Graphics:
Through the window
Celtic Graphics:
Dinner at the Farnsworth House
Celtic Graphics:
The Tavern
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Bullet holes in the Farnsworth House
Celtic Graphics:
Eisenhower's church
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Buried cannon
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In on the square
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Cannon ball under the window
Celtic Graphics:
1833 building detail
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Older house
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1803 building
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Culp's Hill
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Meade's Headquarters
Celtic Graphics:
Our carriage driver
Celtic Graphics:
Original house from the battle era
Celtic Graphics:
Pink roses
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Ghost walk
Celtic Graphics:
Beautiful old Chevy
Celtic Graphics:
Chevy hood detail
Celtic Graphics:
Ghost walk guide
Celtic Graphics:
Great old house
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Celtic Graphics:
1850's house
Celtic Graphics:
Farnsworth House patio
Celtic Graphics:
1850's House from the front
Celtic Graphics:
Schriver House facade
Celtic Graphics:
Schriver House
Celtic Graphics:
Schriver House description
Celtic Graphics:
Decked out in bunting