gingin_77: Flyer for "Eye, I" show with Carrie Stark
gingin_77: Street view of gallery at night
gingin_77: Street view of gallery at night
gingin_77: Street view of gallery at night
gingin_77: Da Vinci's schematic of the seeing eye
gingin_77: Sculpture by Ginnie Hench; Photos by Carrie Stark
gingin_77: Sculpture by Ginnie Hench; Photo montage by Carrie Stark
gingin_77: Sculpture by Ginnie Hench; Photos by Carrie Stark
gingin_77: Print on plexi glass by Carrie Stark
gingin_77: Print on plexi glass by Carrie Stark
gingin_77: Photo triptych by Carrie Stark
gingin_77: Photos by Carrie Stark with convex mirror
gingin_77: Eight ball painting (gesso, plaster and acrylic)
gingin_77: Rigid Body, Organic Thought
gingin_77: Whose is it?
gingin_77: A rupture of ruptures
gingin_77: Republicrats
gingin_77: "Mocking Democracy in 2000: Butterfly Ballots"
gingin_77: "Truth"
gingin_77: Florida Heart Surgery_2_flat
gingin_77: Hand with Pill
gingin_77: Base Pair Promises and Profits (2000)
gingin_77: Hand in the Double Helix
gingin_77: Phage in Deep Space
gingin_77: Bacteriophage_low_res
gingin_77: Phage in Red and Green
gingin_77: Brain Print