Susan Sharpless Smith: Susan's New FB Profile
Susan Sharpless Smith: Ron on the Beach
Susan Sharpless Smith: A Pallet Full of Porch Furniture
Susan Sharpless Smith: Ron Unpacks Pallet
Susan Sharpless Smith: Ron - Chef Extraordinaire
Susan Sharpless Smith: Waiting for Sunrise
Susan Sharpless Smith: Beach Blossoms
Susan Sharpless Smith: Beach Vegetation of a Sort
Susan Sharpless Smith: Honeysuckle on Fence
Susan Sharpless Smith: View South from Herring Point
Susan Sharpless Smith: Hazy Ocean View
Susan Sharpless Smith: View North from Herring Point
Susan Sharpless Smith: Dolphins Passing By
Susan Sharpless Smith: New Porch Furniture
Susan Sharpless Smith: New Porch Furniture
Susan Sharpless Smith: Flowers Along the Boardwalk
Susan Sharpless Smith: Paddle Boarding
Susan Sharpless Smith: New Trash Bin Container
Susan Sharpless Smith: Bethany Beach Morning
Susan Sharpless Smith: Day on the Beach
Susan Sharpless Smith: Meredith on the Beach
Susan Sharpless Smith: Sunny Beach Day
Susan Sharpless Smith: Wedding Mansion on Jersey Street
Susan Sharpless Smith: Evening Beach Walk
Susan Sharpless Smith: Evening Beach Walk
Susan Sharpless Smith: Message in the Sand
Susan Sharpless Smith: Hydrangas Along the Run Route
Susan Sharpless Smith: Spicy Turkey Burger at the Back Porch
Susan Sharpless Smith: Riding the Jolly Trolley
Susan Sharpless Smith: Building a Sand Wall with Pop