cell911: Go Gators!
cell911: Andy and Joy climbing to their seats
cell911: Andy waving from the top row
cell911: Perspective on Andy & Joy's seats
cell911: The new north endzone scoreboard
cell911: New south endzone scoreboard
cell911: Go Gators!
cell911: Jason visits
cell911: I visit the top row
cell911: Go Gators!
cell911: Full moon over football
cell911: Final score, 62-3
cell911: Go Gators!
cell911: Halftime
cell911: New south endzone scoreboard
cell911: Gators-Vols panorama I
cell911: Gators-Vols panorama II
cell911: Gators 23, Vols 13
cell911: Game over
cell911: Here come the Gators
cell911: CBS Sports SEC Tailgate at UF
cell911: Late Afternoon Panorama
cell911: Gators 23, Arkansas 20
cell911: UF-Vandy panorama - Nov. 7, 2009
cell911: Gators 27, Commodores 3
cell911: All Hail, Florida Hail
cell911: Actual FIU football fans
cell911: The Tzobanakises
cell911: Gators on offense
cell911: Alumni Band Day