cell911: UCF Tailgaters
cell911: Actual UCF Football Fans
cell911: The UCF Band
cell911: UCF Warms Up
cell911: Both teams warming up
cell911: Here come the Golden Knights
cell911: The visitors' section
cell911: UCF on offense early
cell911: UCF on offense early
cell911: UCF punts
cell911: Late Afternoon Stadium Panorama
cell911: UCF punts again
cell911: Florida on offense
cell911: 13-0
cell911: 20-0
cell911: 34-0
cell911: The UCF Band
cell911: The UCF Band
cell911: The Gator Alumni Band
cell911: The Gator Bands
cell911: Taking the field for the second half
cell911: UF gets close
cell911: Evening stadium panorama
cell911: About as close as the Knights got
cell911: Final Score
cell911: Century Tower after dark