cell105: Night Shift - Hard@Work (1of8)
cell105: Night Shift - Hard@Work (2of8)
cell105: Night Shift - Hard@Work (3of8)
cell105: Night Shift - Hard@Work (4of8)
cell105: Night Shift - Hard@Work (5of8)
cell105: Night Shift - Hard@Work (6of8)
cell105: Night Shift - Hard@Work (7of8)
cell105: Chillin'
cell105: Dozin'
cell105: Image(117)
cell105: Network monitoring
cell105: Santosh
cell105: Santosh
cell105: Santosh
cell105: Getting a few zzz's
cell105: No Work
cell105: What's all the fuss about?
cell105: Dare to slack during the day
cell105: I pray that my boss doesn't catch me
cell105: Caught slacking!
cell105: Ban, What ban?
cell105: Slackblogging
cell105: Daytime zzz's
cell105: Happy Friday!
cell105: He's been working too hard
cell105: Count the number of hairs in his moustache
cell105: And.... change position!
cell105: What the F#%k?
cell105: Peaceful Slumber