Photowoman67: Getting ready to open a daily gift, and work on first tote.
Photowoman67: Hitty Laurie sitting in front of retreat box
Photowoman67: Hitty Laurie
Photowoman67: Breads by Julie "Old Crow" Degroat
Photowoman67: Hitty Laurie back in her cabin home.
Photowoman67: Working on the first project of Harvest Moon Retreat
Photowoman67: resting with her new apple tote
Photowoman67: First Apple Hitty Tote
Photowoman67: Second tote.
Photowoman67: Harvest Moon Hitty Robe
Photowoman67: A closer look at robe
Photowoman67: A few of our Daily Gifties.
Photowoman67: foxie's back and tail. Tail made from yarn. I knitted an I-cord
Photowoman67: Hittys Tea Length Dress and Wrap
Photowoman67: The inside of Tea Length Dress
Photowoman67: Tea Length Dress ready to wear.
Photowoman67: Hitty Laurie
Photowoman67: Hitty Laurie in the snow
Photowoman67: Hitty Anne, unpainted
Photowoman67: Hitty Anne with dress and wrap
Photowoman67: Hitty Anne
Photowoman67: The bracelet made from retreat beads
Photowoman67: A crate to store vegetables and fruits
Photowoman67: A place for the lovely carrots
Photowoman67: Storing potatoes
Photowoman67: My finished dress form
Photowoman67: A Christmas Greeting
Photowoman67: VipTalisman4