Photowoman67: Our Spring 2016 class portrait
Photowoman67: Janet's carving cabin
Photowoman67: A view of the carving cabin from the lu
Photowoman67: On the path to the artistic outhouse
Photowoman67: Delicate flowers decorate the entrance.
Photowoman67: The luxurious out- house
Photowoman67: Janet's Hitty doll house
Photowoman67: My blank
Photowoman67: Starting my carving
Photowoman67: Back of my head carving
Photowoman67: Fung showing off Adina's carving
Photowoman67: Fung is carving
Photowoman67: Adina bringing 10th Anniversary of Spring gifts for class
Photowoman67: Janet and Josie have found a farkleberry
Photowoman67: Mary in the cabin "kitchen".
Photowoman67: Hitty Hays with puppy, ball, and tiny terrarium, all gifts
Photowoman67: Mary made puppy and Adina and Janet planted the terrarium
Photowoman67: Hittys and Adina's Berry
Photowoman67: Instructor, Master Carver Janet Cordell
Photowoman67: Instructor, Adina Huckins, Master Carver
Photowoman67: Happy H.
Photowoman67: Happy H.
Photowoman67: Me, outlining the feet.
Photowoman67: Celia doing her thing
Photowoman67: Sylvia Y.
Photowoman67: Sylvia Y.
Photowoman67: Josie F.
Photowoman67: Nancy A.
Photowoman67: Shirley W.