Ralph Smyth: JUPITER & GANYMEDE 23.03.14 @20.41
Ralph Smyth: JUPITER 06.04.14
Ralph Smyth: JUPITER 13.01.14 @21.19
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter & Ganymede
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter, Ganymede & Io
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter, Ganymede & Io
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter, Ganymede & Io
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter with Great Red Spot Emerging
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter and Great Red Spot
Ralph Smyth: My First Jupiter Animation
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter and Emerging Red Spot
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter with Emerging Red Spot
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter, Io & Ganymede Wide Field Image
Ralph Smyth: Callisto Shadow Transit
Ralph Smyth: Callisto Shadow Transit - Colour Version
Ralph Smyth: JUPITER 10.03.14
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter 10.03.14 @19.56
Ralph Smyth: Jupiter & Io