Celeste33: A tiny fingerprint jellyfish
Celeste33: There were 100s of butterflies washed up on the beach
Celeste33: There were 100s of butterflies washed up on the beach
Celeste33: Iridescent Algae at Bass Point rock pools
Celeste33: A Hairy Sea Urchin covered in shells at Bass point rock pools
Celeste33: Purple encrusted sea sponge
Celeste33: Not sure what we have here. It seems to be an anemone inside a shell.
Celeste33: A hairy-legged Hermit crab in a turban shell
Celeste33: Anemone light distortion
Celeste33: Bass Point Waratah Anemones
Celeste33: Bass Point Waratah Anemones with a purple sea urchin
Celeste33: Bass Point Waratah Anemones
Celeste33: Coralline Algae
Celeste33: A full grown sea star
Celeste33: Bass Point Waratah Anemones
Celeste33: Bass Point Waratah Anemones
Celeste33: Green anemone
Celeste33: Green anemone
Celeste33: Bass Point Waratah Anemones
Celeste33: Bass Point Waratah Anemones
Celeste33: Coralline Algae
Celeste33: Bass Point rock pool shells
Celeste33: Bass Point rock pool shells
Celeste33: Bass Point rock pool shells
Celeste33: Bass Point rock pool shells
Celeste33: Bass Point rock pool shells
Celeste33: Bass Point rock pool shells
Celeste33: Scarlet Bracket Fungus
Celeste33: Scarlet Bracket Fungus
Celeste33: We got up early and waited for the Sunrise