CeeKay's Pix: Chloe, at the height of Gangnam craze during CNY
CeeKay's Pix: Chee Ming
CeeKay's Pix: Steamboat with EVERYTHING!
CeeKay's Pix: Whatcha lookin' at?
CeeKay's Pix: Aunty Karen and Charlize
CeeKay's Pix: Chloe and her new found friend!
CeeKay's Pix: Family Photo
CeeKay's Pix: Charlize and Uncle Joe
CeeKay's Pix: Sparklers make an "O"
CeeKay's Pix: Cheryl trying to get Chloe into the water
CeeKay's Pix: Let's walk instead
CeeKay's Pix: Not a beach person..
CeeKay's Pix: Sand Castles!
CeeKay's Pix: Waiting for Lion Dance
CeeKay's Pix: Grandpa, Mummy and Me!
CeeKay's Pix: Straights Quay- I like it because it has a Starbucks
CeeKay's Pix: It's not pink, it's FUSCHIA!
CeeKay's Pix: Trust me, it's gonna be loud for you
CeeKay's Pix: Last minute briefing of game plan
CeeKay's Pix: Almost there...
CeeKay's Pix: Got it!
CeeKay's Pix: Muhibah!
CeeKay's Pix: Now, let's go bless them shops!
CeeKay's Pix: Urban Street Art in Penang
CeeKay's Pix: Cendol in Penang Road (hint: go for the one where there are is no queue, it's the better of the 2 there!)