ceejs: Mina stealing my cheddar
ceejs: Bishie finds an interesting shoe
ceejs: Bishie finds an interesting shoe
ceejs: Bishie finds an interesting shoe
ceejs: Bishie finds an interesting shoe
ceejs: Bishie finds an interesting shoe
ceejs: Mina performing warming duties
ceejs: Cat politics status: detente.
ceejs: Detente with giraffe
ceejs: Cat diplomats carried the day
ceejs: #cat number 1, aka Bishie, aka terrorist
ceejs: Bishie occupying the bed
ceejs: Herr Doktor Bishonen on my knee
ceejs: Mina aka cat #2
ceejs: Cat #2 occupying the couch
ceejs: One sick woman
ceejs: Cat #2 takes a selfie
ceejs: Inky black blot
ceejs: Cat #2 wedged among my pillows
ceejs: Bishonen
ceejs: Mina the cat snags my hand.
ceejs: Tactical cat in storage configuration
ceejs: Jailed, suffering cat
ceejs: X rays are proven deadly
ceejs: A cat's life is miserable
ceejs: Cat #2 in the way
ceejs: Yaaaaawn from cat #1
ceejs: Great action shot of cat #2 but the filter is a disaster
ceejs: Shake to randomize
ceejs: Double decker cats