Cédric G: The one in the middle of nowhere
Cédric G: The one who is reborn
Cédric G: The one who takes root
Cédric G: The one who takes breathe (Oxygen)
Cédric G: The one who have fun with waterfalls
Cédric G: The one who is in the afterlife
Cédric G: The one who grows on the lake (Ile de la Harpe)
Cédric G: The one who is mysterious (Broceliande)
Cédric G: The one who is afraid
Cédric G: The one who wants to reach the sun (The meadow)
Cédric G: The one who wants to hide the pylon
Cédric G: The one who looks like a spider
Cédric G: Scaring off (1)
Cédric G: Scaring off (2)
Cédric G: The one with eternal life
Cédric G: The one who stands between two pastures
Cédric G: The one who is playing with its shadow (Turn Down the Color Edition)
Cédric G: The one who is playing with its shadow
Cédric G: The one who is playing with its shadow (Top)
Cédric G: The one who takes White light
Cédric G: Weeping willow
Cédric G: The one who plays with the sun
Cédric G: The one with orange leaves
Cédric G: The one with yellow leaves
Cédric G: The one with orange red leaves
Cédric G: Just before
Cédric G: Conflagration
Cédric G: Weird sequoia
Cédric G: Le séquoia
Cédric G: Le gardien (4)