cedccb: skiing
cedccb: This is obviously not today. We are in summer mode now. I should post pictures of spring skiing, climbing or biking but....i just enjoy easy fluid skiing pictures.
cedccb: mont blanc, glacier du geant...
cedccb: ski
cedccb: Muahah....
cedccb: playa creativity
cedccb: This picture defines skiing . Deep powder day with friends getting lost on the familiar grand montet resort. We had to stop a few times to breath and figure out where we were. A wish for many more days like this ahead.
cedccb: #february25 was good fluffy day on the sunny side of things. with #chadsayers. @arcteryx #nuffsaid #chx101 #mothership #aiguilledumidi #yourshot @your.shot
cedccb: chamonix
cedccb: Michael shaffer down the shoulder of tacul sometime in april 14 . That run is a easyin/easyout to beer . Skiing doesnt get much better than that.... . .