Cecília Murgel Drawings: CITY after ben.doo,dat
Cecília Murgel Drawings: MY CLOSET after angelica vis
Cecília Murgel Drawings: RED BOW OBSESSION after beth retro
Cecília Murgel Drawings: YOUR BIRD CAN SING after beth retro
Cecília Murgel Drawings: APPLE GREEN after beth retro
Cecília Murgel Drawings: ANOTHER WOOD & WOOL PROJECT after wood & stool
Cecília Murgel Drawings: THE YOKOO SOOPA POMPOM CHRISTMAS WREATH after .yokoo
Cecília Murgel Drawings: TAVI SHOOT after stweedy
Cecília Murgel Drawings: FALL HARVEST after . yokoo
Cecília Murgel Drawings: EARTH BALANCE after .yokoo
Cecília Murgel Drawings: BENCH MONDAY after loving the vintage
Cecília Murgel Drawings: ANOTHER BLURRY NUMBER after dottie angel
Cecília Murgel Drawings: PICKING A WINNER after dottie angel
Cecília Murgel Drawings: GRUNGE PATCHWORK DRESS after liebermarlene
Cecília Murgel Drawings: 1970's KIMONO DRESS after libermarlene
Cecília Murgel Drawings: SAIA ROSA E JEANS
Cecília Murgel Drawings: SAIA DE BOLAS E LAÇO DE FITA
Cecília Murgel Drawings: SIMPLICITY after all buttoned up
Cecília Murgel Drawings: ANNA PAVLOVA after anna pavlova
Cecília Murgel Drawings: BREAKINGRULES after hannakristinametz
Cecília Murgel Drawings: VALANTINE´S DAY after irene adler
Cecília Murgel Drawings: CROCHÊ after loving the vintage
Cecília Murgel Drawings: CABELO DE PRATA E MEIA XADREZ after style rookie
Cecília Murgel Drawings: FLOWERY SILK DRESS after larineloom
Cecília Murgel Drawings: ARRIVING ON BRITISH SOIL after dottie angel
Cecília Murgel Drawings: VITRINE SANTAS after ateliê mj.
Cecília Murgel Drawings: VESTIDO COM PÁSSAROS DE COR
Cecília Murgel Drawings: A THRILLING DAY after dottie angel
Cecília Murgel Drawings: 0221 after dadaya