mk3seh: The Earl of Zetland.
mk3seh: Mouth of the Tyne from North shields.
mk3seh: Stone tower at Royal Quays marina.
mk3seh: Port of Tyne Pilot.
mk3seh: Princess Seaways.
mk3seh: North Shields fish quay.
mk3seh: When the boat gans oot.
mk3seh: Another fine mess!
mk3seh: North Shields fish market.
mk3seh: The Barracks building.
mk3seh: Giant cupcakes.
mk3seh: View out to sea from North shields.
mk3seh: R Irvin and sons LTD.
mk3seh: Knotts flats and Lord Collingwood monument.
mk3seh: Knotts flats.