CDTA: Gordon fisherman?...nope, it's just Bill in his fancy raingear!
CDTA: He's got ups!
CDTA: Conor testing out the finished product
CDTA: Conor and Adam hiking home
CDTA: Nice work Denny...if you concentrate you WILL hit the nail!
CDTA: Conor and Denny securing the planks
CDTA: Happy hammering
CDTA: Conor pounding in the supports
CDTA: The scene
CDTA: In progress...
CDTA: Conor and Denny figuring things out
CDTA: Mary and Conor
CDTA: Mary getting rid of the extra posts
CDTA: Lovely campfire
CDTA: Wine with dinner?...but of course!
CDTA: Is it level?!?
CDTA: checking things out
CDTA: Bill and Shannon carrying posts
CDTA: Not a bad view from Josephine Lake
CDTA: Getting ready to float some posts across the lake
CDTA: Just hanging out....waiting for someone to tell us what to do!
CDTA: The hike to work
CDTA: That's quite the load
CDTA: Yep, we made apple pie over the fire!