cdrummbks: 11th hour
cdrummbks: ace double d-489a: somebody's walking over my grave
cdrummbks: ace double d-489b: dally with a deadly doll
cdrummbks: ace double f-115a: the blonde cried murder
cdrummbks: ace double f-115b: killing cousins
cdrummbks: action man
cdrummbks: affair of the exotic dancer
cdrummbks: bandits
cdrummbks: below suspicion
cdrummbks: blood relatives
cdrummbks: bottom line
cdrummbks: bullet for your dreams
cdrummbks: butcher's dozen of wicked women
cdrummbks: canto for a gypsy
cdrummbks: case of the howling dog
cdrummbks: case of the laughing virgin
cdrummbks: case of the murdered model
cdrummbks: case of the nameless corpse
cdrummbks: catch a fallen starlet
cdrummbks: cause for alarm
cdrummbks: dain curse
cdrummbks: dance with the dead
cdrummbks: danger woman
cdrummbks: death lifts the latch
cdrummbks: edwin of the iron shoes
cdrummbks: end is known
cdrummbks: epitaph for a spy
cdrummbks: fine art of espionage
cdrummbks: five nights
cdrummbks: flash point