cdrummbks: black holes & bug-eyed monsters
cdrummbks: blade 01: the bronze axe
cdrummbks: blade 02: the jade warrior
cdrummbks: blade 03: jewel of tharn
cdrummbks: blade 04: slave of sarma
cdrummbks: blade 06: monster of the maze
cdrummbks: blade 07: pearl of patmos
cdrummbks: blade 08: undying world
cdrummbks: blade 09: kingdom of royth
cdrummbks: blade 10: ice dragon
cdrummbks: blade 11: dimension of dreams
cdrummbks: blade 12: king of zunga
cdrummbks: blade 13: the golden steed
cdrummbks: blade 14: the temples of ayocan
cdrummbks: blade 15: the towers of melnon
cdrummbks: blade 16: the crystal seas
cdrummbks: blade 17: the mountains of brega
cdrummbks: blade 18: warlords of gaikon
cdrummbks: blade 19: looters of tharn
cdrummbks: blade 20: guardians of the coral throne
cdrummbks: blade 21: champion of the gods
cdrummbks: blade 22: the forests of gleor
cdrummbks: blade 23: empire of blood
cdrummbks: blade 24: the dragons of englor
cdrummbks: blade 25: the torian pearls
cdrummbks: blade 27: master of the hashomi
cdrummbks: blade 28: wizard of rentoro
cdrummbks: blade 29: treasure of the stars
cdrummbks: blade 30: dimension of horror
cdrummbks: blade 31: gladiators of hapanu