Cedric's Flickr: Crepe with Nutella / Crepe au Nutella
Cedric's Flickr: Crepe with chocolate, sprinkle with coconut / Crepe au chocolat saupoudre de noix de coco
Cedric's Flickr: Totoro and its giant mushroom / Totoro et son champignon geant
Cedric's Flickr: Aperifi with white and violet or rose / Kir a la rose et a la violette
Cedric's Flickr: Kangaroo with a sweet red fruit sauce / Kangourou avec une sauce aux fruits rouge
Cedric's Flickr: chopped chicken with crawfish / emincé de volailles aux ecrevisses
Cedric's Flickr: "Tarte tatin"
Cedric's Flickr: "Bureau de tabac"
Cedric's Flickr: IMG_6165
Cedric's Flickr: Shadow of Cedric, Nath & Nico / Ombres de Cedric, Nath & Nico
Cedric's Flickr: Lots of gooses / Des oies en pagaille
Cedric's Flickr: Memorial
Cedric's Flickr: Remember
Cedric's Flickr: IMG_6185
Cedric's Flickr: "Tchou-tchou" :-)
Cedric's Flickr: Flamingos / Flamants rose
Cedric's Flickr: Pelicans
Cedric's Flickr: Pain au chocolat & croissant from France. Super yum!!!
Cedric's Flickr: Typical window shopping of a good bakery/cake shop in France!