Cedric's Flickr: Being corporate @ Yahoo! / La tenue vestimentaire du parfait Yahoo!
Cedric's Flickr: APEX LZ1 Celebration lunch on GA grass / Pique nique pour feter le lancement de la premiere version de notre application sur la pelouse de mon batiment
Cedric's Flickr: Aristotle
Cedric's Flickr: Welcome to Great America ! / Bienvenue au Great America
Cedric's Flickr: No line jumping ! / Attention on reste bien sage dans les files d'attentes
Cedric's Flickr: Campaign & Creative team
Cedric's Flickr: Campaign & Creative team / Une partie de mon equipe
Cedric's Flickr: Approaching to the Flight Deck
Cedric's Flickr: The amazing Flight Deck
Cedric's Flickr: Stas, John, and Eric
Cedric's Flickr: Yogesh and Eric
Cedric's Flickr: Stas and Neel
Cedric's Flickr: Neel and John
Cedric's Flickr: Priyanka, Grant and Stas
Cedric's Flickr: Eric and Neil
Cedric's Flickr: Durgad and John
Cedric's Flickr: Is John looking for something in the sky?
Cedric's Flickr: FireFall
Cedric's Flickr: Eric, Yogesh and Vishal
Cedric's Flickr: Karthik, Priyanka and Grant on the dropzone again
Cedric's Flickr: Priyanka and Grant on the DropZone
Cedric's Flickr: Grant and Priyanka
Cedric's Flickr: Vishal and Yogesh on the SkyFlyer
Cedric's Flickr: Karthik and Cedric, ready to take off / Karthik et Cedric pret au decollage
Cedric's Flickr: Karthik and Cedric on the SkyFlyer