cvorobek: Getting ready for a colonoscopy -- now that is what I call hump day
cvorobek: Colonoscopy done -- all clear... And I'm not sharing THOSE photos, you will be happy to know
cvorobek: The whole rabbit thing hasn't been working so... Happy December. I'm starting the month at a hospital - getting 'markers' put in place in preparation for prostate cancer radiation. They are essentially targets for the radiation. The worst part so far is t
cvorobek: Salad for dinner - while I still can
cvorobek: It's Tuesday so... it must be time for a hospital visit - MRI and CT this morning before starting radiation on 12.21 #ProstateCancer #LiveStrong
cvorobek: MRI done... Now a CT and I get tattooed, baby! #ProstateCancer #CancerRadiation #LiveStrong
cvorobek: Day 1 of #ProstateCancer #radiation -- one hour a day; five days a week for nine weeks. If you want to know where I will be at 2p ET each weekday... This machine rotates around you essentially zapping me. The MRI also turned up some object where my prosta
cvorobek: #prostatecancer radiation day 5 - 40 to go... After the first week, I'm feeling OL overall... A bit tired, but Nick has been waking up early (around 5:30a -- I've managed to have him stay in bed until 6a bit still...) I've been feeling good enough to do @
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 6 - the long hall to the radiation room - feeling a bit tired at the end of the day... Now, I biked 11 miles and did a @garrettindc @soulcycle class... Giving myself permission to just go with it and go to bed. #livestrong #B
cvorobek: First NPS lower division chapel in about a month - feels good to be back at it #MomentOfBliss
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 8 - 36 days to go - radiation FAQ: why to they bind my feet? It's actually simple: to keep us from moving around. #LiveStrong
cvorobek: @soulcycle number 7 for 2016 - with @garrettindc: 'sometimes we are so busy trying to change other people, we don't change ourselves.' Wisdom at 25 ;-)
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 9 - you can stop buying lottery tickets. We are back-to-back with our treatments... She got one number... The hospital team get the others. We are ready for our luck to turn, baby! #LiveStrong
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation treatment day 10 - starting week 3 -- As I was waiting for treatment today, I sat thinking about the passing of David Bowie… at 69… of cancer… Any time somebody dies, it is sad, but when somebody dies of cancer, there is a bit of
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation - day 13 -- I have NO idea what they use this for... And I'm not sure I want to. #LiveStrong
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 14 -- Friday fun day -- cupcakes to celebrate one person completing her treatment #LiveStrong
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 15 - back at it on a cold January day - I'm not even going to tell you how many layers I have on #BikeDC
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation- day 16 - these are the lasers they use to get me into the proper position for the zapping - it's like a disco!
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 17 - Meet Dr. Sean Collins of Georgetown University Hospital, part of the team working to keep me around... At least for awhile #LiveStrong #cancer
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 18 - earlier time because of the blizzard... And the closest I'll ever get to The Pope #LiveStrong
cvorobek: Biking home in the start of the blizzard - ready for some hunkering #BikeDC #blizzard2016 #DCwx #DCsnow
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation- day 19 -- we are like the Post Office... Nothing stops the zapping. My options were walk or bike. #cancer
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation - day 20 (Tuesday) and 21 (Wednesday): Approaching the half-way point — how exciting is that!?! This is the view the radiation specialists get -- me from many sides. A radiation FAQ — in fact, the most frequently asked question:
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 22 - one of the awesome people at Georgetown Hospital helping me fight #cancer - they have been so awesome. I can't thank them enough.
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer - Day 23 (Monday) and Day 24 (Tuesday)… part of my amazing health team. I can never thank them enough. Last week — week five — was challenging on a host of fronts... On the cancer side, one of the most significant side effects has been… we
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 24 -- I know I said yesterday was 24 but... I counted... Look -- #StarWars radiation??? And yes, I biked in the rain! #LiveStrong
cvorobek: A favorite #ProstateCancer treat: The 'Don't Even Ask' wine glass -- good day; bad day; don't even ask ... Thanks Maria
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation - day 25 - me and The Zapping Machine... And Dr. Collins says I'm a good looking guy. I'll take it! #cancer #LiveStrong
cvorobek: Thanks Ed Meagher for the work you do - you and the Operation Jump Start team have done it again! Another awesome evening helping warfighters jump start their private sector careers.
cvorobek: #ProstateCancer radiation day 30 - and the countdown to the end on Thursday, 02.18 - I will miss the ring that I hold every day to make sure I don't move... OK, not really but... #cancer #LiveStrong