cdnsue: Champs de Tuileries, Paris during WW1
cdnsue: Sunday Afternoon looking for mines
cdnsue: Found in Evacuated German Trenches on August 9, 1918 in Amiens
cdnsue: Reverse of previous picture - Found in Amiens
cdnsue: Captured Gun in Champ de Tuileries, Paris November 1918
cdnsue: Captured Zeppelin, Jardin de Tuileries, Paris 1918
cdnsue: Armistice Celebrations in Jardin de Tuileries, Paris Nov 1918
cdnsue: Captured Rumpler C.III airplane, Armistice November 1918, Jardin Tuileries, Paris
cdnsue: French Renault FT-17 tank with bullet holes, Jardin des Tuileries, Paris 1918
cdnsue: German troops, WW1 - Photo found in evacuated trenches in 1918
cdnsue: First Line Hospital, WW1, Canadian military
cdnsue: Battlefield blood
cdnsue: British Mark 1 Tank in Action, WW1 - approx 1916
cdnsue: Railroad Head at Arras, WW1
cdnsue: German Minesweepers, M30, 1918
cdnsue: Fritz carries in one of Canada's wounded, 1918
cdnsue: German prisoners being treated by Canadians, 1918
cdnsue: Tommy Finds Shell Holes Comfortable to Sleep In, WW1
cdnsue: Arras after being bombed, WW1 with notations by Canadian soldier
cdnsue: Some of Canada's "Bag", 1917 at Lens France
cdnsue: A Case for "Blighty" - WW1
cdnsue: German Prisoners of War enter Canadian WW1 camp
cdnsue: Canada finds little dog in Hun trenches and presents to the nurse, WW1
cdnsue: Church service before battle, WW1
cdnsue: Soda Fountain Canteen - Red Cross - WWII - Shaughnessy Hospital Vancouver BC
cdnsue: 100 years ago today, Canadian 23rd Battalion leaving for WW1 service from St John NB