Curt Milton: Hummingbird
Curt Milton: Hummingbird
Curt Milton: Kim at the nets
Curt Milton: Poison ivy: Don't touch!
Curt Milton: Oceanview Pavilion
Curt Milton: Woodpecker in the nets
Curt Milton: Penny at the nets
Curt Milton: Getting birds out of the nets
Curt Milton: New battery
Curt Milton: Penny up a tree
Curt Milton: Fern glade
Curt Milton: Driveway
Curt Milton: Shad in bloom
Curt Milton: Puzzle time
Curt Milton: Puzzle time
Curt Milton: Making cookies
Curt Milton: The view
Curt Milton: Kim at the nets
Curt Milton: Burying beetle's handiwork
Curt Milton: Wade paints on the house
Curt Milton: Chickadee in the apple tree
Curt Milton: A walk on the beach
Curt Milton: Mansion Beach
Curt Milton: Poison ivy
Curt Milton: Yellow-throated warbler in the nets
Curt Milton: Return from the nets