Chris Devers: Skies opening up over the planetarium dome at the Museum of Science, looking over Back Bay Boston and the Longfellow Bridge
Chris Devers: Fanged head from the 20 foot long python skeleton at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Looking out over Back Bay Boston through the back window of the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Contour model of Mt Everest at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Moon rocks and Massachusetts flag brought back from Apollo XVII, December 1972, and given to the people of Massachusetts by NASA, at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Moon rocks and Massachusetts flag brought back by Apollo [mission?], and given to the people of Massachusetts by Richard Nixon, President of the USA, at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Full-scale replica of the control module of the Apollo lunar lander, and a mural of the real one, at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Mockup of an astronaut in a Mercury capsule at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Replica Mars exploration rover at the computer exhibit at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Bomb disposal robots examining an old Ford Taurus in the computer exhibit at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Van der Graff generator towers in the Theater of Eletricity at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Brick wall on the back side of the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Operators console of a Univac Machine at the computer exhibit at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Dec PDP-8e Neurosurgery Rack computer from 1973 at the computer exhibit at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: "The Morris Internet Worm source code" on a 3.5" floppy disk at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Looking out over Back Bay Boston from the back of the Museum of Science during the afternoon
Chris Devers: Looking out over Back Bay Boston from the back of the Museum of Science at dusk
Chris Devers: Detail of the kinetic sculpture in the lobby of the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Naboo Starfighter from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace hanging over the main hall in the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Naboo Starfighter from Star Wars: The Phantom Menace hanging over the main hall in the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Control panel on the mockup Apollo lunar capsule at the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Kinetic sculpture in the lobby of the Museum of Science
Chris Devers: Leonardo da Vinci's hang glider over the main lobby of the Muesum of Science
Chris Devers: Moon over downtown Boston, with the Zakim Bridge, the Museum of Science, the Fleet Center lit in red, and the half-frozen Charles River