Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face"
Chris Devers: Harrison Ford as Indiana Jones in the map room in "Raiders of the Lost Ark"
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face"
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 oddness: No, iPhoto, I do not appear twice in this photo
Chris Devers: Cloud Flow
Chris Devers: Flickr "Message to Obama" traffic spike
Chris Devers: Radiohead, Comcast Center, Mansfield MA,13 Aug 2008 (video)
Chris Devers: Boston Zakim bridge rush hour traffic (Southbound zoomed)
Chris Devers: Facebook "We're Related" app gets bizarre
Chris Devers: New homepage, with Flash banner displayed after clicking through ClickToFlash blocker
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", cathedral entryway, Bern, Switzerland
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face" confirmation/rejection screen (2 of 2)
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Bunker Hill monument, Charlestown MA
Chris Devers: "My Neighbor Totoro" on VHS tape
Chris Devers: DSCN0506, 2014:08:21 09.43.03 (Nikon Coolpix AW110, video: 01:29, 320x240)
Chris Devers: Sent from my iPad Nano.
Chris Devers: Radiohead, Comcast Center, Mansfield MA,13 Aug 2008 (video)
Chris Devers: Memorial Drive Commute
Chris Devers: Storrow Drive Commute
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 oddness: "About 580 minutes remaining"
Chris Devers: DSCN0371, 2014:08:19 14.07.38 (Nikon Coolpix AW110, video: 03:12, 1280x720)
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", old Jaguar E-Types, Brighton MA
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", Jaguar, Stone Zoo, Boston MA
Chris Devers: Me & Barry go way back. Okay not really.
Chris Devers: Spring Clouds Redux
Chris Devers: 2012.07.18 Blue Hills (west)
Chris Devers: Page 1 of 55? Yeah. Sure. Ok. Whatever.
Chris Devers: Desperate tourist advertising from Malaysia
Chris Devers: DSCN0507, 2014:08:21 10.01.53 (Nikon Coolpix AW110, video: 01:47, 320x240)
Chris Devers: iPhoto '09 face detection: "Not a face", nutrition label on Trader Joe's bread rolls