Chris Devers: Toronto: Dappled statue of Winston Churchill by City Hall towers looking south at the Sheraton hotel
Chris Devers: Egyptian sarcophagus & monumental statue of Ramesses II at the British Museum
Chris Devers: Egyptian sarcophagus & monumental statue of Ramesses II at the British Museum
Chris Devers: Numbers sculpture statue thing at the MIT 150th birthday event
Chris Devers: MLK Day MFA Visit, 18 Jan 2010: Rodin bust of bearded man (Zod from "Superman II", I think)
Chris Devers: MLK Day MFA Visit, 18 Jan 2010: Rodin statue & Money landscape paintings
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy Saab is back!
Chris Devers: Toy car is back!
Chris Devers: Toy car is back!
Chris Devers: National Monument to the Forefathers
Chris Devers: Europe 2005: Devotional statue by an apartment window in Bamberg, Franconia, Germany
Chris Devers: Eagle gargoyle looking down from Notre Dame
Chris Devers: Notre Dame gargoyles look into the distance
Chris Devers: Notre Dame gargoyles looking out toward the Eiffel Tower
Chris Devers: Notre Dame gargoyles at dusk
Chris Devers: May takes a picture of Chris taking a picture of the eagle gargoyle
Chris Devers: Chris posing by one of Notre Dame's gargoyles in the afternoon light
Chris Devers: Desperate flying angel statue at Rodin Museum
Chris Devers: Kissing lovers statue at the Rodin Museum
Chris Devers: Looking across the main hall of the Orsay museum across the ground level statues to toward the giant wall clock