patiigraphy: Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.
Blu Brick: 1 of 1 - November 29, 2014 using NIKON D750 with 85.0 mm f-1.4.jpg
Sunkissed68: I can't stand the rain...of course I can
Tyler Haegele Photography: christmas spirit
Keepsaix: Fairy
gabby_19: jorja
Vemsteroo: Unveiled.
andrebatz: Por Sol no Morro do Pai Inácio - Chapada Diamantina (Sunset) EXPLORED
JennRG: Summerchallengecolor11 (Explored)
tseehaus: Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) 2 x Blümlisalp
clarkcg photography: A Bit of a Struggle
methariorn78: Into paradise
Tom Slate: Calm Waters, Stormy Sky (Explored)
Stubble Jumper: Prairie Runners (Explored)
Tim Lindstedt: Swedish summer landscape just before sunset (Explore)
Ignacio Larre: - IN EXPLORE- Camino a lo desconocido- Road to the unknown
syukaery: Early Morning Walk
Ron Vipond: Red Squirrel------In Explore 31-07-2016
philipleemiller: Fire Lookout (explore)
guraydere: Tiger beetles - Cicindelinae