CDaisyM: First Bottle
CDaisyM: One Month!
CDaisyM: Elfen Autumn
CDaisyM: Pre-Bath
CDaisyM: First Real Bath
CDaisyM: P9260007
CDaisyM: Clean Hair
CDaisyM: Loving the Bath
CDaisyM: Post-Bath with Dad
CDaisyM: Bev and Andrew (and Widget)
CDaisyM: Sunflowers
CDaisyM: Autumn Apple
CDaisyM: P9270014
CDaisyM: Blergh
CDaisyM: Hat!
CDaisyM: One Month Appointment
CDaisyM: IMG_1808
CDaisyM: IMG_1811
CDaisyM: Autumn and Simone
CDaisyM: IMG_1816
CDaisyM: three-blind-aunts1
CDaisyM: Ian and Autumn
CDaisyM: PA010007
CDaisyM: PA010008
CDaisyM: Playing the "Tongue Game"
CDaisyM: Laura, Ian and Autumn
CDaisyM: PA020011
CDaisyM: Looking Like a Big Girl
CDaisyM: Sleepy
CDaisyM: One Month with Monkey