CCNMTL: New Media in Education 2008 Conference at Columbia University
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Staff Welcome Participants to NME 2008
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Executive Director Frank Moretti Welcomes NME2008 Attendees
CCNMTL: Presenting the Triangle Initiative: Where Education, Research, and the Community Intersect
CCNMTL: Columbia Law Professor Conrad Johnson presents the 4Cs Calculator: Collateral Consequences of Criminal Charges
CCNMTL: NME 2008 Presentations took place in the Rotunda in Low Memorial Library
CCNMTL: Audience members at the 2008 New Media in Education Conference at Columbia University
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Associate Director John Zimmerman speaks to NME 2008 Participant
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Educational Technologist, Dan Beeby, Presents at NME 2008
CCNMTL: Digital Bridges Initiative: Bringing Curated Collections to the Classroom
CCNMTL: Columbia University School of Journalism Professor Sheila Coronel Presents at NME2008
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Vice Executive Director Maurice Matiz Speaks at NME 2008
CCNMTL: NME 2008 Keynote Speaker and Columbia School of Journalism Dean, Nicholas Lemann
CCNMTL: Ryan Kelsey, CCNMTL's Associate Director of Education and Research Presents "Simulations & How They Enhance Interdisciplinary Education"
CCNMTL: Columbia University School of Journalism Professor Michael Shapiro Presents at NME2008
CCNMTL: Columbia University School of Journalism Professor Michael Shapiro Engages the Audience at NME2008
CCNMTL: Audience members at the 2008 New Media in Education Conference at Columbia University
CCNMTL: Project Posters at NME 2008
CCNMTL: NME 2008 Participants Enjoy Breakfast Before the Conference Begins
CCNMTL: NME 2008 Particpants
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Senior Program Specialist Presents at NME2008
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Educational Technologist Rob Garfield Prepares to Present at NME2008
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Staff Brian O'Hagan Prepares for NME 2008 Workshop
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Staff Brian O'Hagan Instructs a NME 2008 Workshop
CCNMTL: CCNMTL Staff Dan Beeby Responds to a Participant's Question