bernard dudoignon: Train du Négus. Djibouti, Éthiopie
lwarhol: Arnold
TommyOshima: lo spumante
Sporlink: "you only think they are the biggest pair of pants in the world, because you've not seen my nona's yet..."
Jonathan Smadja ©: Street Dancers, Paris 2009
François Maillot: Fenêtre sur quai
Nykoh: 7spadecol (1 of 1)
Michaël R.: beside the church
Michaël R.: to sleep upright
Michaël R.: silhouette
Brute Waltz: Goodnight.
Sporlink: jump and smile
Sporlink: can i take it to the bridge
.ar(t)kadas: 192/365
Sporlink: parisole
Sporlink: watch & think
François Maillot: Pleure pas, vieille branche...
François Maillot: Derrière la porte elle attend
Sporlink: out of the blue
Sporlink: the hand of god
Sporlink: wait...
Andwan: Old Soul
Sporlink: nano
François Maillot: Souvenirs
Sporlink: play it again sam
Sporlink: sunday morning paperwork