ccho: Start of the Harlem Valley Rail Trail
ccho: IMG_4594
ccho: IMG_4597
ccho: IMG_4600
ccho: Dew-laden spider web
ccho: Foggy morning
ccho: Autumn morning dew
ccho: IMG_4619
ccho: What a tangled web we weave
ccho: Field of geese
ccho: Weeping Spruce Lake
ccho: Weeping Spruce Lake
ccho: IMG_4755
ccho: Backlit leaf
ccho: Fall colors
ccho: Backlit leaves
ccho: Llama
ccho: Llama
ccho: IMG_4887
ccho: IMG_4890
ccho: Farm and hills
ccho: Downhill
ccho: More downhill
ccho: IMG_4915
ccho: Cows grazing
ccho: Cow grazing
ccho: IMG_4947
ccho: Parachute practice in an open field
ccho: IMG_5007
ccho: IMG_5010