cce_photography: Yellow Rose
cce_photography: Lily of the Valley
cce_photography: A close-up of the mantis
cce_photography: A Vine in the shrubbery!
cce_photography: Well, hello there
cce_photography: Burning bush
cce_photography: Burn Bush Berries!
cce_photography: Burning bush leaves
cce_photography: Throckmorton, the flamingo
cce_photography: IMG_0072crop2.jpg
cce_photography: IMG_0072crop.jpg
cce_photography: IMG_0072.jpg
cce_photography: Berries!
cce_photography: Dogwood branches
cce_photography: Berries! (cropped again)
cce_photography: Berries! (cropped)
cce_photography: Wee little flowers
cce_photography: A single berry
cce_photography: Dogwood blossom
cce_photography: This bee is hard at work
cce_photography: This is not a photo of a flower
cce_photography: Roses in the rain
cce_photography: Rosebud in the rain
cce_photography: Flowers gone by
cce_photography: IMG_3393c.jpg
cce_photography: Dwarf pomegranite tree
cce_photography: Bright flowers, rich greens and wispy seeds
cce_photography: Praying Mantis
cce_photography: Last rose
cce_photography: droplets on a branch