cc_ryder65: Danny at the beach
cc_ryder65: Mustard plant in bloom
cc_ryder65: Mustard plant blooms
cc_ryder65: Nature walk
cc_ryder65: More mustard...
cc_ryder65: Seaweed, making its way back to the sea
cc_ryder65: Kalanchoe blooms
cc_ryder65: Aussie tree in full bloom
cc_ryder65: Aussie tree blooms
cc_ryder65: Seagull tracks
cc_ryder65: DJ with ringlets and goatee
cc_ryder65: Remy sunning himself on the patio
cc_ryder65: What!? I'm researching squirrels!
cc_ryder65: Remy resting on sheep
cc_ryder65: Big boat
cc_ryder65: Christmas amaryllis from Julia
cc_ryder65: Succulent in sepia
cc_ryder65: Baby teeth
cc_ryder65: Flowers from Gram's Garden
cc_ryder65: Abutilon, or Chinese Lantern, with variegated leaves